
Langer Pfeil

Grade A in the apprenticeship

The company HEROSE enjoys an excellent reputation as training company per se. Due to offers from student internships and holiday jobs, we have understood how to get younger people interested in HEROSE for years now - and last but not least, the permanent participation on training trade fairs ensures for the necessary attention. "HEROSE has always placed a lot of value in the recruitment of apprentices", said Helmut Lucka, "and that not only being after everyone has been complaining about the shortages."

The rush was so large recently that the number of internships had to be limited to two a week. "The word has been spread on the Bad Oldesloe schools that HEROSE is a highly interesting company for an apprenticeship", said Winona Mews, recruiter at HEROSE and responsible for the administrative education and training.  "And this is not only because we are a company with future and one is well trained, this is also because the human element matches."

Young people can have themselves trained in four occupations at HEROSE: as cutting machine operator and industrial mechanic, as industrial clerk and IT specialist with branch of study being system integration. Moreover, dual studies are also offered. For the industrial apprentices, HEROSE has setup a new workshop in August 2018. Franziska Jänike, who, together with Sandra Wulf and Manuel Mielke organise the industrial worker training courses: "Training in our own house has the great benefit that one can teach the younger people target-orientated for the own requirements."

HEROSE does not only educate for reasons of social overall responsibility, but also because we always urgently need them ourselves: "Due to our growth, we do not only always look for new employees, we also have to replace those that will be taking their retirement. And that is a huge challenge despite the positive number of applicants", said Helmut Lucka.

With the advertisement for trainees, we are given support by an almost five minute clip (german language) where an apprentice guides you through the company. HEROSE will also participate on the Job-Tour in Bad Oldesloe again in 2019 and on the trade fair of the Job Centre (BiZ at night).

And then you can still trust in the good old mouth-to-mouth propaganda that has always ensured that one applies to HEROSE with pleasure.

  • azubi-Werkstatt
