Full steam ahead into a new green era.
In shipping industry, the topic of climate neutrality and alternative fuels is omnipresent. The question often arises what is a real alternative to heavy oil and diesel.
Currently, estimates suggest that almost 90% of all ships are still powered by heavy oil or diesel. The remaining share is made up of dual-fuel engines and pure LNG drives. In addition, you often read about methanol, hydrogen and ammonia as alternatives to the fuels that dominate today.
We at HEROSE have made it our mission to help shape and drive the transition to climate-friendly alternatives. We are currently particularly active in the area of hydrogen, but ammonia has also been an issue for us for a long time. We have developed ammonia upgrade kits for our globe valves. These kits enable our customers to equip HEROSE globe valves for ammonia use - be it converting valves that are already welded into the system or installing them directly within an ammonia drive.
We are proud to have received an order for the valves of an ammonia fuel supply system. The ship is being converted by a well-known OEM. In various tests made by the customer, our manual and actuated globe valves were able to deliver positive results, which laid the foundation for our collaboration. The ship is a project that aims to demonstrate the feasibility and reliability of ammonia as an alternative ship fuel.
Why is ammonia suitable as ship fuel?